Wednesday, August 18, 2010


It's funny how revelations can come to you almost anytime, at unexpected occasions. I was folding sheets a couple of days ago when I realized what my recent art was about. For the past several months I have been preparing for the show at the Carnegie Arts Center in Covington. I have been working with paint and collage; old textbooks, outdated maps. Discarded hardware. Bits of toys that no longer have any use. Is this what happens to people? Outdated, discarded, invisible, yet still with 2 feet on the earth, they move about like living ghosts, longing for the true ghosts that left the world long ago. Special to no one but themselves, they seem ethereal, unseen, but still feel pain, still cry, still have the requirements of a living body. These ghosts have the burdens of life and few of the joys.

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