Thursday, February 10, 2011

Always looking for something

Should we accommodate our fears or fight them? Are people really changeable? That boulder in your life-do you move it or lean on it?
Where are our comforts in life? Not the sofa kind, the soul comforts. We take care of so many, and then there is us. We walk alone. Ultimately.
The tree stands outside, devoid of opinion, and yet we give it one. We give it a feeling. In winter it stands for loneliness, for a world bereft of that comfort we want, it shivers in its bareness and not even the bird will give it solace. But come back in the spring. It will have warmth and joy, and the birds will make their home there. And yet it is the same tree. So different now.
We look for someone to make memories with.

1 comment:

  1. Paula - I turned some kind of corner the first time I saw you (or was it just before)?

    Anyway, my turning comes four years after Mary Jane's death. Your blog gives me information that Jamie has been gone only three years - I hope my math is correct.

    I'm hoping that there is room in your diminished life (Joyce carol Oates' term for her feelings after her husband's death) for some times with me - old movies , for example. I tried to send you a comment on your art and your meditations about trees, but I think I goofed. The work of Emily Carr has always entranced me, an the new Yorker poem "unfolding" contains great encouragement to me about growth of spirit.
